How to Use Laravel Echo Without npm
Just a quick post about how to use Laravel Echo without the npm package.
The way I did it was to add it to my local project as per the docs:
npm install --save laravel-echo pusher-js
Then I copied the node_modules/laravel-echo/dist/echo.js
file to my public/vendor
Then I just updated my scripts partial to include the Echo js file and the Pusher library:
<!-- Echo -->
var module = { };
<script src="{{ cached_asset('vendor/echo.js', true) }}"></script>
<!-- Pusher -->
<script src="{{ cached_asset('vendor/pusher.min.js', true) }}"></script>
window.Echo = new Echo({
broadcaster: 'pusher',
key: '{{ config('broadcasting.connections.pusher.key') }}',
cluster: 'eu',
encrypted: true
The var module = { };
is needed because how it's meant to be used with webpack I think, I picked that up from a Stack Overflow answer.