Compile SASS Using GitLab Pipelines

Since using GitLab pipelines I have been committing the compiled css from my SASS files and then doing an rsync from GitLab CI in order to deploy the changes I make to my website, but this has always annoyed me as before I used to compile the SASS on the fly, but I have finally managed to make it work like so:

    - compile
    - deploy
  stage: compile
  image: node:8.15-alpine
    - yarn global add node-sass
    - node-sass ./content/themes/carlin/assets/sass/input.scss ./content/themes/carlin/assets/css/screen.css --style compressed
      - master
      - ./content/themes/carlin/assets/css

which you'd then use with your own deploy stage.

The reason for using yarn is that I experienced issues trying to use npm.

The artifacts makes the generated css file available in subsequent stages, nice!

Hope it helps someone.